Registered  UK Charity  No. 1127571 Background music  -  Higher Consciousness  -  Kind permission of Philip Chapman and New World Music Mail:
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Reverend Malcolm will always talk to you in person confidentially  assured Email: People and Animals DONATIONS Spiritual  Healing

Many people have misguided thoughts about spiritual healing and

what it actually is.

It  is not healing the spirit, as this pure and so can not become ill.

Spiritual Healing is treating the psychical body through the spiritual one.

There are some very dedicated doctors in spirit, that are still working

very hard on the other side of life,  to help us down here on earth,

as they did when they were practicing down here.

They simply need a spiritual medium and healer like Reverend Malcolm

down here on earth to work through, who can connect the spirit world,  

to the psychical.

Most Reverend Malcolms work is done without touch,   but he may feel the need to do hands on should the patient and condition require it.

It would only be in accepted places and with the patients permission,   Malcolm would also ask a lady to have a friend present should she wish or feel more at ease.

A patient would not be asked to remove any clothing,  except a coat and shoes.

Spiritual Healing is not faith healing,  as some people think,  after all,  animals do not have faith,  and they benefit just as much as humans can.

They can still feel the healing energies going into them and feel the good it is doing them.

The seriousness of the condition is not a deciding factor of the treatment,  it makes no difference how small or major the illness may be.

 It only depends if the illness is meant to be or not.

 Also,  what the medical profession may say will not matter,  for the main they do the best they can, with the knowledge and equipment they have today.

But my doctors is the spirit world have more knowledge and equipment than those down here on earth.  

As well as the ability to do things that doctors down here could not even begin to imagine,  and all without any pain or harm.

If it is not meant to be,  as many illnesses are not, including terminal conditions,  ( see our patients testimonials),  then we can usually do something  about it.

 If it is meant to be,   then we can still usually help with  pain relief,  as well as slow the condition down.


Spiritual  Healing Its natural,   its safe,  its spiritual,  and it works

Spiritual healing will not effect,  or be effected by,  any treatment a patient may be receiving,   all will compliment each other,   we have treated many patients in the medical profession.

Although,  it is also true,  that many patients come to me after medical science today cannot help,  and have been given up by the medical profession, which shows just how powerful spiritual healing can be,   even with terminal condition.

2 legs or 4,   fur or feather,  all can benefit from spiritual healing.

While we would never claim to cure any condition,  just as no medical professional can,   all our testimonials on this site are written by the patients them selves,  many terminal conditions,  only receiving treatment from Reverend Malcolm,  as many have been given up by the medical profession who can do no more.

So when a patient write to us giving us a testimonial telling us their consultant has given them the all clear after treatment from Reverend Malcolm only,   we have to accept the consultants findings,  sometimes backed up with scans on these multi million pounds equipment.

Used for thousands of years by many civilisations, countries,  people, and cultures.

What is it and how will it work Animals have no preconceptions like humans do and can accept healing without question