Registered  UK Charity  No. 1127571 Background music  -  Higher Consciousness  -  Kind permission of Philip Chapman and New World Music Mail:
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The 2 photographs left show just how intelligent,  safe, and trustworthy both breeds are.

Far left Prince lying down to allow the tied up donkey to come and see him

Left,   I took this photograph from a long way away with a telephoto lens,  so was not in direct contact with Ricky,   and yet he just sat there, horses and cows a short distance away, waiting for me to call him.

They are 2 of the oldest working breeds known to man.

Reverend  Malcolm Chairman of this charity Mediator between heaven and earth International Spiritual Healer Spiritual Medium Trainer,    Minister Prince,  (Soltara San Remo) with Reverend Malcolm My first Pyrenean Mountain Dog - 1979

Ricky    My first Rottweiler            Prince    my first Pyrenean Mountain Dog                5 of my Pyrenean puppies

Binnie   My puppies Mum           Guss  and Misty,  brother and sister            Billies 10th birthday 2016

I have two big passions in life  

My dogs,  and my spiritual healing

My dogs are my life,   my love,   and my world.

Back in the 1970s,   I saw a Pyrenean Mountain Dog,  and instantly fell in love with this majestic breed.

A breed I have loved and owned for over40 years now,  even bred our own,  

with the help of  Binnie  of course, their Mum.

I now have my ninth Pyrenean Mountain Dog with me,  Cherie,  owning up to five at the same time at one time in my life.

 Also Rottweilers,  who have been in my life for almost 40 years,  having  lost  my third Rottweiler Christmas / new year 2016,  Billy.

This is followed by my spiritual healing,  working through my dedicated doctors,  who are still working very hard in the spirit world as they did when they practiced down here on earth.

Reverend Malcolm  with  Cherie June 2018 My present Pyrenean Mountain Dog  Pentire,  Newquay, Cornwall.

Cheries first birthday

December 2014